Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wait wait waitaminute!

Not only was 906 an epochal three months of fun and manifold drama...but such an AWESOME time living in the city of Washington D.C, meeting the bestest people, trying new things, and making memories to last forever. Just want to make a shout out to all the little moments that I will treasure from this trip. Like Baby's sneak attack snorting laughs, sharing moments from the day while laying in bed with Pumpkin Muffin, laughing and being inappropriate in museums and everywhere in general with Sweet Potato, cooking good food, watching the absurd happenings on Millionaire Matchmaker or Real Housewives late at night, going to Monday night lectures and hoarding all the free food, sitting in the living room in a haze while recapitulating the epic events from the night before, playing "never have I ever" and "10 fingers" while sitting in the bathroom hallway, extended stays at CVS, watching movies, playing dress up and putting on makeup, debating about where the conspicuously rhythmic sounds from upstairs are coming from...and so much more that :) Its too f-ing cold in NYC to drink right now, but I'm holding a hypothetical glass of champagne to the girls of 906! Cheers cuz we rock.


But I mean every word.

Happy Holidays!

Homeward Bound

Sitting in the airport, I couldn’t help but laugh about how flustered I was when I first arrived in DC two and a half months ago.  I vividly remember arriving with the intention of taking the metro to the UC Center.  Fair enough.  Only thing is that I did not anticipate the humidity, swarms of people from rush hour and my 100 lbs luggage.   Walking out of Farrugut North I took a cab three blocks to the center because I was such a hot mess. 
I would call that entire first week a whirlwind of new people, happy hours and humidity.  There was a lot going on and I didn’t want to miss any of it!  I met some real cool homies on the 8th and 7th floors along with my champ on the 11th floor.
The city was our playground.
Walking up 17th was so charming.  All the town homes had unique characteristics that blended into an aesthetically pleasing small town backdrop.
Adams Morgan on 18th had enough music, hookah and pizza to make any night a good night.
Georgetown was where I went to loose my shit.  “Loosing my shit”:  the act of dancing to top 40 hits under the influence of more than one drink.  I really enjoyed loosing my shit in gtown.  During the day, it transformed into a quaint posh district. This is where one can shop for that “east coast” look in Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger.  Let’s be honest, you won’t find those salmon colored pants on the west coast, that’s for sure…
Getting to know the city’s districts, the Smithsonian’s and the monuments I began to feel a sense of home and belonging.  I was lucky enough to have clever and funny (MY FAVORITE KIND OF PEOPLE) roommates and friends that were open and new to their surroundings – just like me.  Together we explored and made mistakes and grew up.
I have to give mad props to my roommate Baby.  If I had a penny for every time she walked in on me naked, I could buy a “changing” sign for our door, haha. She always took it like a champ by laughing really, really hard.  She also knew everyone I worked with, not because she met them, but because she would always patiently listen to my work stories.  Luckily for me, I was able to bring her to an Eid lunch at Nihad’s (WINKS) house… that way she could really understand!  Mai Behbeh through and through!
Since Baby wasn’t 21, Lulu served as my partner in crime.  When we weren’t giving each other massages, we were winning beer drinking contests at McFaddy’s or giggling about some oddity.  My favorite thing about Lulu is her in her natural habitat: eyes half open, macbook propped, totally submerged under her comforter, you always had to look extra close to see if she was actually in her bed. 
Pumpkin muffin has the most impressive work ethic!  The first in the entire program to finish her research paper!!  She was always on top of it, finding free chocolate tasting events while at it. 
I am going to treasure our memories in the District of Columbia because I know that when I eventually go back (which I will…!) it won’t be the same.  Let's be real, the Rally to Restore Sanity was SO.MUCH.WIN.  I will always look back on our crazy nights and silly moments and laugh. 


So as sad as it is to say outloud, or in a blog post as the case may be, the girls of 906 are no more. I mean we still exist and are alive and everything, we are just no longer situated in DC, let alone in room 906. Sweet potato and I discussed putting up a post summing up our whole quarter in DC the day after we left. Well it is four days later and I am just beginning this post. I was going to start writing it on the plane ride home but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Our experience was, I think, wayyyy too fun to put into a blog post, but I'm going to try. This might be an absurdly long post, or it might be way too short. I haven't really decided yet, we'll see where the wind blows me.

I'm going to start with our first impression of sweet potato. She may not want this floating around on the internet but I'm doing it anyway. First of all we couldn't find her on facebook... always a bad sign. Turns out she was just unsearchable but that added to our anxiousness while we were waiting for her to show up. Pumpkin muffin, Lulu, and Baby had all arrived perfectly on time and when we were supposed to... Sweet potato on the other hand, did not. She came sprinting in to the room right as our welcome meeting was starting all sweaty and gross. Oh well hi there champ!! (Hahah sweet potat). She barely made it but she did make it. Well after that we all started to get to know each other and meet other people and what not but SP did an excellent job of this. The first weekend she went out and got WAY too hammered. This resulted in us putting her to bed, her rolling out of bed incurring a bloody nose on the way. We proceded to put her back to bed. Then in the middle of the night she decided she had to pee. A logical place to pee would be the bathroom. But not for SP!!! She decides to pop a squat next to Baby's head while sleeping. Luckily she stopped her in time but then she tried to pee on Pumpkin and Lulu also. In the end she decided it would be best to just pee in the corner next to our door. Good choice sweet potato. HAHA. So there was our first weekend. We were left thinking who the fuck is this chick?! Turns out she is awesome and that night is just hilarious.

The next few weekends went by without incident. Until the infamous Georgetown night. It started off as a wine night... which entailed each of us drinking a bottle to ourselves. Great idea right? Wrong. Sweet Potato and Lulu went out to Gtown first. Seems the bottle of wine plus other drinks was a bad idea for SP and she was on her way to another bloody nose night. In order to pull herself out of this blackout she did the only logical thing... went looking for a black man in a coach hat. If you don't know what a black man in a coach hat means then figure it out. Well this method did indeed work and SP remembers most of the rest of her night. Including meeting an awesome TimmyTommy. Lulu on the other hand, was not so lucky. She met a Salamander. Totes her type... until shit started getting creepy. Salamander was lovin the Lulu but she peaced out without giving him what he wanted... so he decided to follow Baby home to get to Lulu. Now Baby was not in the best shape so she didn't notice this. But Salamander stuck his foot in the door so he could get into our apartment without having to knock....CREEPY RIGHT?! yea we thought so. So anyways shit went down. I would comment on Baby's night but no one really knows what happened there... Except that she got into Third Edition with possibly the worst fake known to mankind. But hey, it worked.

The rest of the weekends also went by without incident... some boy drama here and there but that is to be expected living with 4 girls. Everyone had their fair share of that. Well besides Pumpkin Muffin... don't worry Dan the Man with a Tan, she was an angel. The last night though... Now that was some fun shit. We attended an around the world party. For those of you who don't know what that is, because let's be real I didn't until we got there, it's a prat in which each different room the party is being held in is a different country. I think on this particular night we visited America, Cuba, Russia, Ireland, and Japan. It was quite the whirlwind trip. After that SP and Lulu went out to Georgetown. Baby went to the Mighty Pint with others. That was an adventure to say the least. Many many many drunken people and activities. Our time in DC could not have ended on a better note.

To everyone who read through this whole post good for you. It turned out to be a little on the long side. All in all Mom (Sweet potato) and Dad were back together for the end of our trip, Lulu went galavanting off to New York a free woman (no longer in college!!!!), Baby came home to live out the next month of her non 21ness in peace (BUT you better believe that when we get back to SB shit is going to get wild on January 15), and Pumpkin Muffin went back to where her heart is to hang with the fam before embarking on her LAST half year of college!!!! We love all of you so so so much because clearly if you are reading this then you love us too. It's not goodbye, it's see ya later.

Oh and you better believe this is not the last of the blog. The four of us will, afterall, be reunited in sb and the adventures will continue.

******** This is an addition to my part after reading Sweet Potato's and Lulu's entries after mine. I know my post was highlighting the absurdness of our lives but I also have to say that I would trust these girls with my life. The fact that Sweet Potato can get a little wild (lovez it) and Lulu has the occassional creepy hookup (haha) and Pumpkin Muffin skypes the shit out of Dan the Man with a Tan (HAHA) makes me love them even moreeee. I know DC would have sucked without these girls making me laugh every single day and cry the day I had to leave them. You girls literally made my 3 months worth having. So cheesey but hey I had to add something nice to the end since you guys were both nice to me :) loversz you.

oh and also Sweet Potato... don't think that me walking in on you changing was always an accident... ;) bahahahaa

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas is just around the corner. My favorite tv shows are having Christmas episodes, abc family has it's 25 days of Christmas marathon and the commercials are on in full force. My neighborhood is starting to light up as well, and what's more comforting that seeing a bunch of houses charmingly light up with Christmas cheer? A house whose lights synchronize with Sandstorm, that's what!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Listen fellas... women do not like it when you slap our butts. Baby and I (Sweet Potato) were conversing with our buddies from 708 about how much IV sucks during Halloween. Baby explained it perfectly: guys have the advantage to "slap dat ass" because by the time the booty bombshell turns around the culprit is lost among the crowd.

Our friends from 708 had some helpful advice.

  • Put sticky tape on your ass... so their hand gets stuck.
  • Springs.  Large metal springs so their hand's slapping force projects back onto to them (think Newton's law of force).
  • Tacks
  • Frog Poison - dead on contact!
  • Magnesium phosphate - this will cause the culprit to explode upon force, although you may suffer some risk...
  • Knives 
 I can't wait to try out the frog poison.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"You cant be old and wise if you were never young and crazy"

So that quote basically sums up the girls of 906's weekend. Young and crazy indeed. We are slowly realizing how jaded we are by going to school at ucsb. The rest of the world just cannot hang. This weekend is evidence to that fact. Saturday night got way too absurd. Let's just say things got weird. One of us took a break half way through the night to do unmentionable things in order to bring herself out of blackout town, one of us got fully and completely stalked by a hipster, one of us got not just a number but a whole business card, and all of us went way too hard. In a good way. When we attempted to tell the weekend stories to friends not in dc they did not think it was hilarious or awesome... they just judged us. So if you are reading this and judging us, stop that. Wait until you hear the full story, that is something judge worthy. Ha.